
Showing posts from September, 2019

Wine and Roses

Sometimes my job is to find new uses for old this vintage Stromberg-Carlson record player and radio console.  I found this partially gutted cabinet hidden in the corner of thrift store in Cookeville, Tennessee, and I couldn't wait to get it home and give it a new identity as a wine bar.  Presto! Cumberland Gold from our local Stonehaus Winery Built in the 1950's at the end of the radio boom, this piece was a high end purchase for any home. The early advertisements worked hard at getting wives to talk their husbands into buying one.  The inside originally looked like this:  Mine looks like this: Video killed the radio star  I built an extra shelf  where the speaker used to be. The inside is painted a raspberry wine color Before and After The perfect little wine bar. Painted light gray with slightly distressed edges, and sealed with wax for everyday use ...

Coastal Inspired Hutch

This Tennessee landlocked gal has gone coastal!  Inspired by the colors of the coast, the beach, the sea, sand and salt,  I have painted a hutch destined for a beach cottage or any  coastal inspired room.  Donโ€™t grow up too quickly, lest you forget how much you love the beach. ~Michelle Held This hutch was begging to be painted.   2 Coats of Valspar paint in Ultra White Some Light Sanding Taping off to paint the stripes Beach Colors! I mixed my own colors using mostly white to keep the values light The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.  ~Jacques Cousteau This photo, taken in the early morning light, reminds me of the sunrise at the beach. Sigh! Nothing says beach like a gigantic conch. This one is from the Bahamas.  The sea! the sea! the open sea!, The blue, the fresh, the ever free!  ~Bryan W. Procter ...

Romantic Antique Dresser

There's nothing more rewarding than rescuing an old piece of furniture from obscurity and giving it a new life. And that's exactly what I did with this 1930's dresser and its gorgeous etched mirrors.  Cracked and peeling veneer, a scratched top, and missing pieces were no match for the vision I had for this beautiful piece of furniture. Removing the cracked veneer with a putty knife and scraper I used a long plank and wood glue to glue the veneer back down on the top.  Plaster of Paris makes it easy to sculpt missing decorative pieces. Voila! After a light sanding and good cleaning with tsp (trisodium phosphate), I started painting The first coat of paint Two coats of paint and the beginning of the accent colors The base coats are Valspar Paint and Primer in flat Ultra White. The accent colors were based on  the Valspar colors Morning Glow and Strawberry Malt