Wine and Roses

Sometimes my job is to find new uses for old this vintage Stromberg-Carlson record player and radio console. 

I found this partially gutted cabinet hidden in the corner of thrift store in Cookeville, Tennessee, and I couldn't wait to get it home and give it a new identity as a wine bar. 


Cumberland Gold from our local Stonehaus Winery

Built in the 1950's at the end of the radio boom, this piece was a high end purchase for any home. The early advertisements worked hard at getting wives to talk their husbands into buying one. 

The inside originally looked like this: 

Mine looks like this:
Video killed the radio star 

I built an extra shelf 
where the speaker used to be.
The inside is painted a raspberry wine color

Before and After

The perfect little wine bar.
Painted light gray with slightly distressed edges, and sealed with wax for everyday use

To learn more about Stromberg-Carlson and their contribution
 to the telephone, radio and television industry click here

Wine and Roses

Contact me by text at 931-488-8894 or 

Remember to be kind to one another and don't forget to call your mother. 
Gay Lena


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