Signal Mountain Nursery

One of the best things about my daughter deciding to attend college in Chattanooga, Tennessee is that I can visit my favorite nursery when I visit her. Signal Mountain Nursery is located on top of Signal Mountain on the Cumberland Plateau, and it just happens to be one of the most beautiful mountaintop communities on the planet. My surprise "find" during this trip was the "The Rising Sun"™ Redbud. I was drawn like a moth to a flame to this beautiful specimen tree. Read more about this spectacular tree below and enjoy some of the photos I took at the nursery. 
One of several greenhouses filled to the brim with hydrangeas.
I was in heaven.

Hydrangea paniculata "Vanilla Strawberry"

"Great Star" Hydrangea

An ocean of coneflowers...too many to choose from. 

Coneflower and tall Pink Phlox

"The Rising Sun"™ Redbud
(My new favorite specimen tree)

Seen here with Limelight Hydrangea 

One of the first trees to bloom in the Springtime and covered with lavender-rose colored blossoms.

It matures into shades of gold, orange and lime green. 
Simply Gorgeous!
"The Rising Sun"™ Redbud was discovered by Ray and Cindy Jackson of Jackson Nursery. Check out their story inspiring story here.

Fairy Gardens!

Echeveria agavoides

"Mother of Thousands"
Pilea "Moon Valley"

Oh say can you see...
Begonias for Miles!
I highly recommend taking a day to visit Signal Mountain Nursery. Check out their Facebook page for upcoming events. And look for "The Rising Sun Redbud"™ at your local nursery. I found it at Payne Nursery in Sparta, Tennessee along with several other varieties of redbud.
Happy Gardening!
Gay Lena


  1. Hi Gay,
    I met you with Kim a while back. It was great getting to know you! What a beautiful blog. I can feel your enthusiasm for nature. Keep in touch! Caitlin

  2. Hi Caitlin...It was a joy to meet you. Kimmie always picks the best of friends! How do I find your blog?


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