Infatuated with Vintage

It's no secret I like anything that's old. Anything that reminds me of my childhood. Anything that reminds me of growing up on a farm. Anything that belonged to a relative. Anything that gives me the warm fuzzies.

So when I saw this vintage drafting table/cabinet, I had to have it. I needed it to start painting again. I needed it for inspiration. I needed it because it was old and had stains, the light didn't work and the doors wouldn't close properly. Obviously, it needed me too. 

It was for sale at our local thrift store, Bread of Life. There was also a brand new set of luggage that I needed for an upcoming trip. So I called my husband, Brian, and I told him about the luggage and the cabinet and I told him I really wanted the cabinet. After all my birthday was coming up, right?

Well, he came home with the luggage. 
But not the cabinet. I was heartbroken. But I didn't say anything. I just thought...I'll go buy it myself the day after Memorial Day. I even drove by the thrift shop on Saturday to peek in the window to make sure it was still there. And it was! Thank you God!

At 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning, I called the Bread of Life Trift Store in Crossville, Tennessee and I told them to hold the cabinet for me and that I would be in to pay for it in a little bit. But to my dismay, she said the cabinet had already sold. ☹️ I was in shock and almost started crying.  "Who bought it," I asked. "His name is Troy Barnhart from Fairfield Glade." 
"Has he already paid for it? Yes, she said, he was supposed to pick it up on Friday."  Uggh.

I hung up the phone and I immediately texted my husband and said, "MY cabinet is gone." And he texted me back and said "Oh shoot. I'm sorry."  He didn't know I wanted that badly. I told myself I probably didn't need it anyway. But I was lying. Then I went about my day.... hair appointment, gardening, etc.

That afternoon, I got home right before he did. And as he was pulling in the driveway, he had MY cabinet in the back of his truck! Yay!!! He had played a cruel joke on me and he got me so good. So here's my 54th birthday present from my sweet husband who constantly keeps me on my toes, keeps me entertained and makes me feel so loved. Thank you Honey.💕

A few pics from this 1960 House Beautiful magazine
And lastly an ad to go thrifting in Italy


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